90 day content plan

Strategic content ideas to build know, like and trust

Are you out of strategic content ideas?

My super simple P Squared Framework is here to help.

It’s not just a what-to-post guide; there’s a WHY behind the 90-day content plan.

The content prompts have been curated to help your audience get to know, like and trust you, until they’re confident to buy from you.

Why 90 days?

It’s how long it takes to form a habit (and see your marketing efforts bloom 🌸).

Get the 90 day content plan for only £27 today.

As soon as you hit that buy button, an unfancy (but totally useful) Google spreadsheet with the plan will zip its way to your inbox.

Enjoy creating content that connects!

Anita x

P.S. All the content ideas in the 90 day plan are introvert-friendly and work on any platform.